DUE DATE : 02 September 2022 – 15H30
Applicants are urged to utilize e-enlistment framework which is accessible on
Https://Erecruitment.Ecotp.Gov.Za. Applications got in the wake of shutting date will
not be thought of. No faxed applications will be acknowledged.
directions: The framework shuts down at 23:59 on the end date; in any case, the
specialized help is restricted to working hours: (08:00-16:30 Monday – Thursday
what’s more, 08:00-16:00 on Friday)Applicant should enroll on the E-enrollment
framework, complete and submit required data and go after job as
promoted following the accompanying connection http://www.ecprov.gov.za. If it’s not too much trouble, note
that duplicates submitted need not to be affirmed. Correspondence in regards to the
prerequisites for ensured archives will be restricted to shortlisted up-and-comers.
Head Office Enquiries – Mr. Y. Dlamkile Tel No: 043 492 1386 or Mrs. R. E.
Swartbooi Tel No: 043 492 0949 Post to: The Senior Manager: HRM,
Branch of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Private Bag X0020, Bisho,
5605 Hand convey to: No. 5 Eales Street, Wilton Zimasile Mkwayi Building,
Ruler William’s Town, 5605.
Bison City Metro District: Enquiries Ms. L. Xoseka Tel No: 043 492 2140
Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and
Culture, Private Bag X9030, East London 5200 OR Hand convey to: No 16
Official Street, Old Elco Building, East London, 5201.
Amathole District: Enquiries Mr. B. Mbangatha Tel No: 043 492 1838 Post to:
The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture,
Confidential Bag X9030, East London 5200 OR Hand convey to: No 16
Official Street, Old Elco Building, East London, 5201.
Chris Hani District: Enquiries Mr. X. Kwanini Tel No: 045 492 0030/0054
Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation Arts and
Culture, Private Bag, Komani, 5320 OR Hand convey to: Bathandwa Ndondo
Office Park, Komani Hospital Office Complex, Komani, 5320.
Joe Gqabi District: Attention Mr. D. Ndzongwana Tel No: 051 492 4757 Post
to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture,
Confidential Bag X1010, Aliwal North, 9750 OR Hand convey to: No. 02 Cole Street,
Aliwal North
Sarah Baartman District: Attention Mr V Ketelo Tel No: 046 492 0223 Post
to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture,
Confidential Bag X1003, Grahamstown, 6140 OR Hand convey to: Registry, first
floor, Corner African and Milner Street, Grahamstown.
Alfred Nzo District: Attention Mr Gugwana Tel No: 039 254 0960/082 542
4726 Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and
Culture, Private Bag X531, Mt Ayliff, 5100 OR Hand convey to: No 67 Church
Road Mt Ayliff.
Or Tambo District: Attention Mr. S. Stuma Tel No: 047 495 0853/073 322
9654 Post to: The Senior Manager, Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and
Culture, Private Bag X5003, Mthatha, 5100 OR Hand convey to Human
Asset Management, sixth Floor, Botha Sgcau Building, corner Leeds and
Owen Street, Umtata.
Nelson Mandela District: Attention Mr S.Javu Tel No: 041 492 1231/1230
Post to: The Senior Manager: Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and
Culture, Private Bag X6003, Port Elizabeth 6003 OR Hand convey to: second Floor-
66 Corporate Place, Ring Road, Greenacres, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on a properly complete New Z83 structure possible
from any Public Service Department or on the web at
www.dpsa.gov.za/records. Candidates are not expected to submit duplicates of
capabilities and other significant reports until additional notification, yet at the same absolute requirement
present a completely finished marked Z83 structure and itemized Curriculum Vitae
Z83 in the e-enrollment framework is at present not downloadable and subsequently
not signable; so candidates who submitted applications through the e-enlistment
framework will consequently not be excluded for an unsigned Z83 rather will be
mentioned to sign on interview day.
Shortlisted applicants will be expected to
submit ensured duplicates of capabilities, and other significant archives to HR
at the very latest the day of the meeting: would it be a good idea for you be in control of an unfamiliar
capability; it should be joined by an assessment declaration from the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) when submitted. Inability to submit
every one of the mentioned records will preclude your application. Correspondence
will be restricted to short-recorded competitors as it were. On the off chance that you have not been reached
inside six (6) months after the end date of this ad, kindly acknowledge
that your application was ineffective.
Chosen competitors will be oppressed
to a faculty reasonableness check (criminal record check, citizenship confirmation,
monetary/resource record check, capability/concentrate on confirmation and past
work confirmation). Effective up-and-comers will likewise be exposed to
trusted status processes. Where material, applicants will be oppressed
to an abilities/information test. Deception in the application records will
bring about programmed exclusion and disciplinary activity in the occasion the
applicant has proactively been designated.
The Department saves the right not
to make appointment(s) to the publicized post(s). People with incapacity and
individuals from recently hindered bunches are urged to apply.
Business value focuses of the division will be stuck to. For SMS
(Senior Management Service) Posts: as far as DPSA Directive on
necessary limit advancement, compulsory preparation and least passage
prerequisites for individuals from the Senior Management Level for SMS
It is a necessity for candidates to deliver or connect a pre-passage
Authentication (Nyukela) as presented by the National School of Government (NSG)
for passage into the SMS posts and the all relevant information can be obtained by following the
interface: https://www.thensg.gov.za/instructional class/sms-pre-passage program.
Applications got subsequent to shutting date won’t be thought of. Fruitful
up-and-comers will be delegated on a probation time of 12/two years. The
ability evaluation will test conventional administrative capabilities
utilizing the commanded DPSA SMS skill evaluation instruments.