Key Human Capital Development Ref No: PA/SHCD/2022
Common Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Ref No: PA/PPME/2022
Pay : R261 372 for each annum (Level 07)
Area : Kimberley
Necessities requirements: Applicants ought to be in control of a Grade 12 in addition to a Secretarial Diploma
or on the other hand identical capability (NQF Level 6). At least 3 years’ involvement with
delivering a help administration to senior administration. Abilities: The
following key abilities and abilities are expected for the position: Office
organization abilities; Computer education; Good relational abilities,
correspondence verbal and composed abilities; Ability to focus on and manage
secret matters; Ability to work under tension; Good in minutes taking
furthermore, report composing; Performing regulatory assignments as per
administrative system connecting with general office organization; Understanding
of moral guidelines and MISS (secrecy, trusted status); Self-
The board and inspiration; Computer abilities; Problem tackling abilities; Planning
& Sorting out abilities; Be ready to focus on detail.
Obligations : The effective up-and-comers will be liable for the accompanying obligations: Provides
secretarial/secretary administrations to the Executive Manager. Records the
commitment of the Chief Director. Renders regulatory help administrations
that involve for example travel and convenience plans, acquisition administrations
also, and so on. Offers help to the Chief Director with respect to gatherings or occasions.
Upholds the Chief Director with the organization of the financial plan by observing
the use and cautions administrator of conceivable over or under spending. Keep
record of and circle back to all choices and activities with Chief Director and
partners. Guarantees the powerful progression of data and archives to and
from the workplace of the Chief Director. Gather, break down, order data and
draft reports, records and show as expected by the Chief Director.
For Questions, contact : Ms. R. Booysen Tel No: (053) – 838 2370
APPLICATIONS : Please forward the applications for the post citing the significant reference
number to: Senior Manager, Human Resources Administration, Private Bag
X5016, Kimberley, 8300 or hand convey at JW Sauer Building, Office of the
Chief, Ground Floor (Security).
FOR ATTENTION : Mr. V. Fredericks
KINDLY NOTE : Applications should be submitted on the endorsed structure Z83 (reachable from
any Public Service Department) and should be finished in full and page 2
initially marked; Clear sign of the post, reference number and town that
is being applied for should be demonstrated on your z83, A point by point far reaching
CV indicating all capabilities and involvement in particular dates.
Applications submitted on the wrong application structure (old Z83) will be
excluded. Just shortlisted competitors will be expected to submit confirmed
duplicates of capabilities, ID and driver’s permit previously or upon the arrival of the
interview. All shortlisted up-and-comers will be exposed to a faculty
appropriateness check which incorporates criminal record checks, confirmation of
capabilities, monetary and resource record checks, past business
confirmation and citizenship check.