DUE DATE : 04 November 2022 at 16:00



REF NO: 3/2/1/2022/609 (X2 POSTS)
Physical Security and Special Occasions
Compensation :
R176 310 for every annum (Level 05)
Focus :
Gauteng (Pretoria)

Prerequisites :

  • Candidates should have a National Senior Certificate or Grade 12 Certificate.
  • Security Certificate (at least 1 year of study).
  • Grade B PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority) Certificate.
  • Least of 3 years security Insight.

Work related information:

Information on the entrance control methodology.
Information on measures for the control and development of hardware and stores.

Information on recommended security methodology (for example Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS), National Industrial Security AcademyFoundation (NISA), Assurance of Data Act, and so forth) and the power of safety officers under these archives.
Information on the significant crisis methodology.

Obligations :

Administer the security capabilities performed by the security officers/specialist organizations, guaranteeing adherence to departmental security arrangements.
Distribute obligations to security officers/specialist organizations, screen results and establishment the fundamental restorative measures to address deviations from standards and guidelines.

Screen access control to forestall unapproved section in structures and different premises.
Authorisation of the hardware, archives and stores into or out of the structure or premises.
Investigate and report all none working of safety efforts (for example X-

Beam machines, Stroll through metal identifiers, security lights and so forth).
Actually take a look at episodes/event books/registers. Screen and offer help if there should arise an occurrence of crises.
Authoritative and related capabilities.
Deciding programs, shift timetable and additional time.

Screen execution of representatives and decide preparing needs. Control leave and related work force matters in accordance with human asset methodology and prescripts.
Give security related administrations.
Regulate key control framework.

Distinguish dangers and dangers to the security of the Division.
Give data with respect to occurrences to researching officers. Screen and answer caution framework.
Report defective hardware/frameworks.
Guarantee framework are working ideally through planned administrations.

Direct fundamental occurrence examinations and submit reports. Regulate all control room activities to protect the Division’s resources.
Administer all control room exercises.

Report all occurrences and any distinguished rebelliousness connecting with security prescripts.
Survey of recordings upon demand through appropriate methodology.
Update all registers for the occurrences noticed.


Ms D Swanepoel
Tel No: (012) 312 8436


Applications can be presented by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001.

Indian and African, Coloured and Indian Females and People with incapacities are urged to apply.
Readiness to travel, work moves and work unpredictable hours will be fundamental.


Physical Security and Special Occasions
Pay :
R124 434 for each annum (Level 03)
Focus :
Gauteng (Pretoria)

Necessities :

Candidates should be in control of a Basic Education and Training (NQF level 3) and Basic Security Officer’s course.

Work related information:

Information on the entrance control strategies.
Information on measures for the control and development of hardware and stores.
Information on endorsed security methods (for example Least
Data Security Standard (MISS), National
Knowledge and Security Organization (NISA), Protection of Data Act, and so forth) and the power of security officers under these reports.
Information on the important crisis techniques.

Obligations :

Perform access control which incorporate the accompanying:
Decide if guests have arrangements/or the assistance that the guests requires.
Contact the applicable representative to affirm the arrangement or allude the guest to the pertinent assistance conveyance point.

Complete or guarantee that the affirmation control register is controlled and issue control records/cards as required.
Escort guests to the applicable worker/settings where required.
Work X-Beam machine in the presentation of access control to distinguish unapproved and risky gear (for example guns and blades) where required.

Use stroll through metal finder for the viability of access control.
Guarantee that unapproved people and perilous articles don’t enter the structures/premises.
Perform appropriate lockup for all workplaces and passages.

Distinguish dubious lead.
Circle back to episodes.
Report all the distinguished security breaks and rebelliousness to the manager.
Guarantee security in the structure and the premises.

Embrace building/premises watch to distinguish and make sure that entryways are locked and opened as required.
That water holes and taps are shut.
Fire perils uncovered electrical agreements and other fire risks exuding from for example synthetic compounds.

Lights, switch on and off as required and dubious articles and
bundles are accounted for.
Apply crisis methodology (in circumstances like bomb
panics, riots and so forth) and ready crisis administrations and Office the board.

Screen and answer caution framework.
Guarantee that all episodes are kept in the event book/registers.
Guarantee that hardware, archives and stores don’t leave or enter the structure or premises unapproved.

Complete or guarantee that register to control the development of hardware, stores and reports are finished.
Guarantee that no hardware, stores and resources of the
Division leave the structure/premises unapproved. Investigate vehicles entering and leaving the premises.

Assemble data and report on missing or taken hardware and stores.
Handle archives at points of passage as indicated by arrangement and the prescripts.
Work control room security gear’s.

Screen all developments, occasions and exercises inside the Office’s premises utilizing Close Circuit TV (CCTV) gear’s.
Guarantee that security framework is in great working condition.
Quickly report all occurrences monitored,report to the boss.

Screen all passageways for successful access control.
Report all recognized resistance to security strategy and systems to further develop office security.


Ms D Swanepoel
Tel No: (012) 312 8436


Applications can be presented by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001.


Financial Accounting
Payment :
R176 310 for each annum (Level 05)
Focus :
Gauteng (Pretoria)

Necessities :

Candidates should be in control of a Grade 12 Declaration.
No experience required.

Work related information:

Fundamental information on financial capabilities, rehearses as well as the capacity to catch information, work a PC and gather financial insights.
Fundamental information and understanding of the Public Assistance financial
regulation techniques and Treasury Regulations (Public Financial Management Act (PFMA),

Division of Revenue Act (DORA),
Public Service Act (PSA),
Public Service Regulations (PSR),
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), Financial manual).
Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (Personnel and Salary Administration (PERSAL),
Basic Accounting System (BAS),
Logistical Information System (LOGIS) etc).

Work related abilities:

Arranging and putting together abilities,
PC working abilities,
Language abilities,
Great relational abilities (verbal and composed) and Essential numeracy abilities.

Relational relations.
Capacity to perform routine errands.

Capacity to work office hardware.
Fitness of figures.

Obligations :

Render financial accounting exchanges.
Get solicitations.
Really look at solicitations for accuracy, check and endorsement (inner control).
Process solicitations (for example catch installments).
Recording, everything being equal.

Assortment of money.
Perform compensation organization support administrations.
Get pay advices.
Process advices (for example really take a look at advices for rightness, catch pay rates, rewards, compensation changes, catch all derivations and so on).
Record all reports.

Perform accounting support administrations.
Catch every single financial exchange.
Clear anticipation accounts.
Record borrowers and loan bosses.
Process electronic financial exchanges.
Order diaries.

Screen and circle back to debt holder accounts.
Register new obligations.
Circle back to obligation related entries (State Lawyer Cases and so forth).
Send Articulations to debt holders month to month either by post or by email.

Render a financial plan support administration.
Gather data from financial plan holders.
Look at consumption against financial plan.
Distinguish changes.

Catch, dispense virements on financial plans.
Disseminate reports with respect to the spending plan.
Record all reports.
Get and catch cash installments.


Ms SH Sambo
Tel No: (012) 319 6780


Applications can be presented by post to:
Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001
or delivered to:
184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob Mare),corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria
or to :
Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001.

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