Due Date For All Vacancies : 28 October 2022 at 16:00 (Applications sent after the due date & faxed copies will not be considered).
- Page 1 : Cleaners x10 & Groundsman
- Page 2 : General Worker x4 & Food Service Aid x2
SALARY : R104 073 per annum (Level 02)
- Military Health Unit Gauteng, Pretoria
- REF NO: SG 05/22/14
- Military Health Support Formation HQ, Pretoria
- REF NO: SG 05/22/10
- Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria
- REF NO: SG 05/22/08 (X2 POSTS)
- 7 Medical Battalion Group, Lyttelton, Pretoria
- REF NO: SG 05/22/07 (X2 POSTS)
- SAMHS HQ Unit, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria
- REF NO: SG 05/22/06
- Military Health Support Formation HQ, Pretoria (Military Health Base Depot)
- REF NO: SG 05/22/13 (X3 POSTS)
NQF Level 1 – 4 with significant experience.
Extraordinary prerequisites (abilities required):
Impart successfully.
Should be genuinely physically healthy.
Clean the vinterior of structures
Residue and clean furnishings
Collect garbage
Void trash bins
Take content to squander arrear for evacuation.
Vacuum and clean covers, draperies and floors
Wash windows, wash bathing offices eliminate
Residue and soil from roofs, walls, above lines and installations
Clear floors.
- SAMHS HQ Unit, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria
- INQUIRIES : Warrant Officer Class 1 K.L. Tshabalala Tel No: (012) 484 2749
- APPLY BY POST : Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, Private Bag X102, Centurion, 0046, or maybe hand delivered to South African Military Health Service, Kasteelpark (next to Kloof Hospital), Katzenellenbogen Building, c/o Nossob and Jochemus streets, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria
- 7 Medical Battalion Group, Lyttelton, Pretoria
- INQUIRIES : Captain R. Mthembu Tel No: (012) 671 6846/6845
- APPLY BY POST : Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, 7 Medical Battalion Group, Private Bag X1010, Lyttelton, Pretoria 0140 or maybe hand delivered to 7 Medical Battalion Group, Cnr North and Lionel Slade street, Lyttelton, Pretoria.
- Thaba Tshwane, Pretoria
- INQUIRIES : Major A. Teka Tel No: (012) 674 6125 Candidate Officer A. Mahobja Tel No: (012) 674 6221
- APPLY BY POST : Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, Military Health Training Formation HQ, Private Bag X1022, Thaba Tshwane,0143 or may be hand delivered to Military Health Training Formation HQ, Voortrekker Road, Thaba Tshwane
- Military Health Support Formation HQ, Pretoria
- INQUIRIES : Warrant Officer Class 1 M.E. Khasi Tel No: (012) 671 5403
- APPLY BY POST : Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, Military Health Support Formation HQ, Private Bag X1019 Lyttleton, 0140, or delivered to 4 Avro Road, Lyttleton.
- Military Health Support Formation HQ (Military Health Base Depot)
- INQUIRIES : Warrant Officer Class 1 M.E. Khasi Tel No: (012) 671 5403
- APPLY BY POST : Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, Military Health Support Formation HQ, Private Bag X1019 Lyttleton, 0140, or may be hand delivered to 4 Avro Road, Lyttleton.
REF NO: SG 05/22/11
Compensation :
R104 073 for every annum (Level 02)
Focus : Military Health Support Formation HQ ,Pretoria
Prerequisites :
NQF Level 1 – 4 with 2 years’ involvement with gardening service.
Extraordinary prerequisites (abilities required):
Impart successfully.
Should be in great shape, solid and enthusiastic.
Experience overall cultivating and the usage of electrical hardware for example Lawnmowers and clippers.
Obligations :
Planting/evacuation/replanting of trees, blossoms, bushes, grass and different plants.
Arrangement of soil for planting of plants.
The support of blossom and different beds by preparing, inundating, weeding and pruning where fundamental.
Trimming of yards and cutting of grass edges.
Expulsion of litter from territory walls and inside the landscape and the stacking thereof on truck for transport to decline dump or consume it. Water system of grass and blossom beds, actually taking a look at the functionality of hardware and gear.
Pruning of bushes and trees.
Keeping different designs on grounds spotless and clean (for example grill offices, stopping regions, trenches and drains).
Keep up with walls.
Help with arrangement of justification for capabilities.
Report any defaults on the landscape.
Warrant Official Class 1 M.E. Khasi Tel No: (012) 671 5403
Only apply by post or delivery :
Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, Military Health Support Formation HQ, Private Bag X1019 Lyttleton, 0140, or delivered to 4 Avro Road, Lyttleton.
Go-to Page 2 : General Worker x4 & Food Service Aid x2