• Page 1 : Driver x3 & Forklift Driver x15
  • Page 2 : Picker x6 & Machine Operator x11

1.Driver x3

Driver – Supply x 3

Work Area

  • South Africa – – City of Cape Town Metro – – Goodwood – – Epping Modern

Work Type
Full time

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Shutting date
11 Oct 2022 23:59


Supply Chain

Responsible for activity of own workspace or as an individual from a group, as well concerning quality, guidelines and results inside characterized work schedules and strategies.

Shutting DATE: 11 October 2022

Work Reason

To guarantee conveyance of stock to Clients as indicated by the arranged conveyance plan, while guaranteeing predominant degrees of client assistance, adjusted to the Organization’s principles and business morals inside the limits to the law.

Key Accountabilities and Results

Oversee and control the conveyance interaction from start to finish

Get ready for 24 hour’s conveyances
Stick to the beginning up methodology
Guarantee autonomous driver checks of truck stock are directed in full and marked in like manner

Go to the Client following the characterized course and conveyance plan
Complete the conveyance of stock
Get back to the warehouse inside determined time period
All documentation to be marked, solidified and returned in full
Exhibit Predominant Client assistance Levels

Exhibit elevated degrees of Client assistance during conveyances
Experience The Refreshment Organization’s qualities by being Deferential and Considerate to Clients and Purchasers
Guarantee that Client are kept informed about the what they are getting and the headway being made in off stacking

Guarantee that consistent contact is conceivable with the Appropriation Regulator/Expeditor so criticism can be given on execution, and postponements if any.
Wellbeing, Wellbeing and Climate

Guarantee a protected, sound and hazard free work space
Agree with wellbeing and wellbeing arrangements and methodology, and appropriate regulation
Guarantee that Pre-Excursion Investigations are finished before each outing

All rebellious things on Pre-Excursion investigations are to be conveyed to the executives
Green Band heading to be rehearsed consistently
Truck Lock Out Methodology to be worked on during each stacking arrangement

All Traffic rules and guidelines are to be consented to consistently
All Wellbeing, Wellbeing and Climate rules to be conformed to
Vehicles are to be spotless and satisfactory
Adherence to Food handling Prerequisites

Obligation to The Refreshment Organization’s Food handling strategy and its targets
Capacity to comprehend and carry out all food handling prerequisites
Adherence to and the implementation of Food handling Arrangements, SOPs and PRPs

Consistence with PPE prerequisites including adornments strategy
Consistence with individual cleanliness prerequisites as per the associations code of training
Dynamic commitment to all preparing including capability testing
Customary act of hand washing and disinfecting
Counteraction of cross-defilement of items – no allergens permitted in the assembling office

Answerable for raising any food handling hazard to the significant faculty like the Group Chief or Food handling staff
Announcing of any sickness or transmittable infection before the initiation of shift
Consistence with all legitimate, administrative and client prerequisites

Implement GMPs and behave in a way favorable with food handling rehearses
Keep up with exclusive expectations of housekeeping and cleanliness of hardware, offices and workplace
Educated and watchful on food protection and food misrepresentation gambles

Advance, energize and persistently develop the associations food handling society
Keep no think twice about item quality and wellbeing
Work together with interior food handling group to understand the associations objectives of holding GFSI accreditation and consistent improvement
Precise checking, stacking and dumping of vehicles

Autonomous check directed of all heaps to guarantee right amounts
Precise recording of profits
Keep up with clear and compelling correspondence with Distribution center Manager/and other colleagues
All documentation precisely and exhaustively finished
Innovative Answers for be completely Used

Execution to be upheld by guaranteeing that all innovative arrangements carried out are embraced and prerequisites stuck to
Cell phone based innovation is upheld by guaranteeing that base working prerequisites are consented to
Acquainted with significant business data, arrangements, cycles and methodology

Capabilities and Experience

Grade 12/Matric/NQF level 4, Code 14 Drivers Permit, PDP (Fundamental)
Upto 3 years experience (Functional Execution) FMCG
2 x code 14 and 1x code 10

Key Characteristics


Routine correspondence with clients or clients
Critical thinking

Proactive distinguishing proof of issues that are concrete and procedural, investigate and apply arrangements in accordance with rules gave or heighten more mind boggling issues to bosses, giving data expected to take care of issues.
Connections Kept up with Others in own workspace


2. Forklift Driver x15

FLD Manufacturing x15

Work Area
– South Africa – – City of Cape Town Metro – – Goodwood – – Epping Modern

Work Type
Full Time

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Shutting date
11 Oct 2022 23:59

Forklift Driver


Responsible for own work inside characterized working methodology, guidelines and work schedules.

Shutting DATE: 11 October 2022

Work Reason

To guarantee compelling functional greatness is accomplished through the proficient and precise stacking and offloading of creation lines and trucks in activities.

Key Accountabilities and Results
Productive Forklift Activity

Perform fire up investigation and register for forklift activity
Feed creation with preforms or void jars
Feed lines with layer cushions
Feed lines with void beds
Take out completed item from the Creation Lines and spot into the significant distribution center segments
Submit to wellbeing and security prerequisites of the organization and guarantee that activities don’t jeopardize individual associates, hardware or property
Submit to quality estimates set up inside the organization
Adherence to the wellbeing, security, food and ecological guidelines

Staff will stick to all Food handling Arrangements and PRP’s and will stick to and implement all food handling prerequisites consistently
Staff will stick to Wellbeing, Security and

Ecological Arrangements and PRP’s and will stick to and authorize all Wellbeing and Wellbeing prerequisites consistently
Guest and Worker for hire Strategy – staff will guarantee that guests or workers for hire entering the office are endorsed in, accompanied and wear PPE, know about the cleanliness arrangements and don’t smoke, eat or drink inside the office
Code of Training – staff will keep up with elevated degrees of individual cleanliness as per the overarching set of principles

Handwashing Methodology – Guaranteeing staff are cleaning and disinfecting hands proficiently prior to taking care of the item.
Actual Defilement Control Strategy and Methodology – Staff will know about the capability of actual item pollution. Staff knows about control measures to forestall actual defilement.
Wellbeing, Wellbeing and Climate Strategy

– Staff go to sensible lengths to guarantee wellbeing and security dangers don’t happen. Should a mishap happen, staff will know about the methodology of revealing the occurrence.
Emergency treatment Strategy – Staff know about the first aider on location. Staff is prepared to report wounds and sickness to managers/first aiders.

Acquainted with significant business data, arrangements, cycles and methodology
Keeps up with anticipated execution principles
Keeps up with anticipated execution principles
Implement consistence with significant administrative and legal prerequisites

Implement GMP’s and behave in a way favorable with food handling rehearses
Go to Preparing and authorize learnings from the preparation for Quality, Food handling and Wellbeing and Security that been recommended for them
Be watchful of food protection and food misrepresentation gambles
Keep an elevated degree of housekeeping inside the workplace

Dependable to guarantee housekeeping is performed and guarantee that all items and exercises are put away and are executed inside the differentiated regions as indicated by the housekeeping strategy (green red and yellow regions)
Acquainted with significant business data, arrangements, cycles and methodology
Keeps up with anticipated execution principles

While Sets of expectations are reviewed with the end goal of a fundamental blueprint of the work and obligations related with the Gig, the Organization energizes and anticipates that all representatives from time should time, to help with work that may not be an immediate aspect of their responsibilities depiction

Capabilities and Experience

Grade 12/Matric/NQF level 4 (Fundamental)
Upto 3 years experience (Functional Execution) FMCG

Key Characteristics


Routine correspondence regarding guidelines, solicitations or typical work undertakings
Critical thinking

Proactive distinguishing proof of issues that are concrete and procedural, apply known arrangements in accordance with rules gave or heighten more troublesome issues to bosses.
Connections Kept up with Others in own workspace
Conduct Capabilities

Verbal Correspondence

Ready to impart verbally in a legitimate way.
Considers the target group while imparting verbal data.
Utilizes suitable business language in verbal correspondence.
Remembers all significant data for verbal contentions.
Exhibits capability of language in verbal correspondence.
Deciphers complex data to offers own point of view in verbal correspondence.
Finishes up verbal contentions by making reference to significant realities
Independent direction

Coordinates data to make it more straightforward to investigate or see patterns.
Expects outcomes and figures out other options.
Lays out clear choice standards for settling on informed decisions.
Looks for significant data to all the more likely figure out circumstances and issues.
Conducts suitable investigation; neither one of the settles on snap choices or over-examinations.
Sees connections between different realities, figures or other data.

Consistent Improvement

Increments execution assumptions when achievement has been accomplished
Searches out wellsprings of data, including exchange affiliations, “best practice” organizations, clients, peers, subordinates, and so forth.
Tracks down ways of fasting adjust improvement thoughts to work processes
Proactively searches out assets, partnerships, and so forth, expected to present enhancements rapidly
Coordinated effort

Helps other people with their work.
Meets responsibilities to colleagues or others in the association.
Effectively adds to group conversations and the achievement of collaboration plans.
Shares aptitude and assets to help other people address their requirements.

Tries to incorporate every one of the people who can add to the best result and the individuals who have a stake in the outcomes and effectively keeps all partners informed.
Endeavors to revitalize group processes when progress is slacking: stays connected in any event, when not in that frame of mind with the group’s bearing.

Achieves appointed undertakings and objectives: makes fundamental moves to keep progress against targets on target.
Readies a guide for progress.
Guarantees that all who need to be aware, are clear about the arrangement.
Assumes complete ownership for own activities and results, including botches.
Continuously acts in the organization’s wellbeing, whether or not it is troublesome or disagreeable.
Guarantees others are on target for accomplishing their objectives.




GO-TO PAGE 2 : Picker x6 & X11 machine operator

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