NDOH 107/2022 (X3 POSTS)
SCM – Logistics Management
Pay :
R176 310 for each annum, (in addition to cutthroat advantages)
Focus :
Necessities :
A National Senior Certificate/Grade 12 with Accounting and Maths as subjects passed.
No less than one (1) year’ experience in supply chain management
climate will be an additional benefit.
Information on government’s
acquirement processes.
Great correspondence (composed and verbal) and PC (MS Bundle) abilities.
Capacity to work freely and under tension.
A substantial driver’s permit.
Obligations :
Printing solicitations from ITS and guaranteeing that the solicitations are caught on LOGIS framework.
Answer any notices that Line Functionaries affirmed
conveyance of labor and products connecting with payments apportioned.
Catch payments on Logis.
Check the accuracy of solicitations endorsed against endorsements and
orders as well as bank subtleties.
Keep legitimate documenting records of all payments made against tenders. Open record for all new NDoH tenders and guarantee that delicate
archives are accessible.
Handle installment enquiries.
Take and handle enquiries from providers and authorities.
Report any issues that can pointless defer the handling of payments to manager.
Ms JP Jekwa
Tel No: 012 395-9332
Individuals with incapacity/Colored/Indian are urged to apply.
NDOH 106/2022
Demand and Acquisition Management
Pay :
R176 310 for each annum, (in addition to cutthroat advantages)
Focus :
Necessities :
A National Senior Certificate/Grade 12 with Accounting and Maths as subjects passed.
No less than one (1) year’ experience in supply chain management climate will be an additional benefit.
Information on supply chain obligations and practices.
Comprehension of the administrative structure overseeing The general population
Administration as well as information on work methodology concerning the work space.
Great correspondence (composed and verbal), relational,
adaptability, cooperation, PC (MS Bundle), arranging and association abilities.
Capacity to work autonomously and with the group.
A legitimate driver’s permit.
Obligations :
Render request administrative help.
Gather and combine Request Management and Obtainment Plan.
Direct market and provider research in the focal Provider Data set.
Render securing administrative help.
Aid the obtaining of citations from focal Provider Information base. Catch the effective subtleties in the Logis.
Render contract management support administrations.
Incorporate and keep a document for every supported agreement.
Update the agreement register and keep source reports.
Mr I Mokgawa
Tel No: 012 395-8929
Individuals with handicap/Colored/Indian are urged to apply.
The Director-General, National Department of Health, Private Bag X399, Pretoria. 0001.
Hand delivered application may be submitted at Reception
(Brown Application Box), Dr AB Xuma Building, 1112 Voortrekker Rd, Pretoria Townlands 351-JR or ought to be sent to [email protected] citing the significant reference number regarding the regarding email
For Consideration :
Ms TP Moepi
Shutting DATE :
14 November 2022
Applications ought to be submitted on the new Z83 structure realistic from any Open Help department and ought to be joined by a CV just (past experience should be extensively definite).
The Z83 should be completely finished (in accordance with DPSA Practice note), inability to agree will consequently exclude the candidate.
Candidates are not expected to submit duplicates of qualification and other significant records on application.
Confirmed duplicates of qualifications and other pertinent reports will be mentioned preceding the last determination stage.
Applications ought to be on one PDF design (Whenever messaged).
Applications got after the end date and those that don’t agree with the necessities won’t be thought of. It is the candidate’s liability to have unfamiliar qualifications and public endorsements (where pertinent)
assessed by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
The Department holds the right not to fill the posts.
The fruitful competitor will be exposed to work force appropriateness checks and other verifying strategies.
Candidates are deferentially educated that correspondence will be restricted to short-recorded up-and-comers as it were.
In the event that warning of a meeting isn’t gotten inside
three (90 days) after the end date, up-and-comers might view their application as ineffective.
The Department won’t be responsible where candidates use
wrong/no reference number(s) on their applications.