Compensation :
R176 310 for every annum
Focus :

Prerequisites :

A Grade 12 endorsement with Accounting.
A Tertiary capability with Financial Accounting will be a benefit.
1-2 years’ functioning involvement with finance.
Comprehension of ERP framework.
Comprehension of the Public Finance

Management Act and Depository Guidelines.
PC proficiency with great information on Hatchet framework.
Great relational abilities.
Critical thinking abilities.
Great relational relations.

Obligations :

Getting, recording and approving approaching solicitations.
Catching of solicitations connecting with buy orders on Hatchet framework.
Catching receipt diaries (various solicitations) that connects with services for example power, phones, insignificant money and so forth.
Compromise of providers accounts month to month.

Circle back to past due and long extraordinary solicitations.
Stepping of paid solicitations.
Filling all solicitations paid and compromise articulations.
Confirming bank subtleties of new providers on wellbeing.
Sending unfamiliar providers solicitations to National Depository electronic
or on the other hand genuinely.


Mr. Jerry Mulaudzi
Tel No: (012) 748-6246


GPW22/67 (X2 POSTS)
Compensation :
R147 459 for every annum
Focus :

Prerequisites :

Grade 12 or comparable NQF capability.
Driver’s Permit will be an additional benefit.
3 – 5 years’ driving experience working in production network/logistics/warehouse climate.
Information on the Public Service Administrative Structure.
Information on interior methodology.

Obligations :

Perform Warehouse Activities which incorporates driving of departmental
authorities, clients and guests as might be mentioned.
Keeping up with stock levels in stores.
Help clients by pressing and unloading stock out of the racks. Help clerks by topping off stock for simple access.

Marking of racks.
Convey enormous orders to clients.
Giving and offloading of Stock.
Help clients during assortment.
Stock Control.
Perform actual stock count and confirmation.
Perform customary stock counts.

Respond fortuitously to asks for.
Taking/conveying archives to Administrative center.
Gathering and disseminating of archives.
Client assistance.
Resolve authoritative departmental questions.
Respond fortuitously to asks for.
Aid the Segment.

Perform different exercises as expected to accomplish the objectives of GPW.
Adherence to wellbeing and security principles.
Embrace any suitable preparation as expected by the GPW.
Keep up with spotless and deliberate work space and guarantee that merchandise are stuffed in transporters/boxes.


Ms M Toka
Tel No: (012) 7748 6316


Compensation :
R147 459 for every annum (Level 04)
Focus :

Prerequisites :

National Senior Certificate or comparable with suitable experience.
Driver’s permit.
The accompanying will act as suggestions:
Least Data Security Principles (MISS Act).

Specialized abilities:

Capacity to keep up with trustworthiness of
classified data.
Ready to focus on.
Should have fundamental correspondence (verbal and composed) abilities.
Fundamental numeracy and PC proficiency.
Relational connection abilities.

Obligations :

Convey and gather archives to and from partners, convey records expeditiously and acquire marks from beneficiaries.
Function as a Messenger.
Report any defaults to the Vehicle Official.
Take vehicles to sellers for service and fixes.
Offer driving types of assistance to staff that should be shipped on official

Wash and keep vehicles spotless and clean.
Guarantee sanitisation of vehicles when each excursion.
Guarantee that all significant archives are recorded and kept up with as indicated by administrative prescripts.
Perform fundamental authoritative obligations.


Mr. L Makgolane
Tel No: (012) 764 4082


GPW22/69 (X5 POSTS)
Fixed-Term Agreement for Time of One (1) Year
Compensation :
R126 789 for every annum, (OSD) least indent for ARTISAN (TEMPORARY PRODUCTION), in addition to 37% lieu of advantages
Focus :

Prerequisites :

At least Grade 8, Grade 12 will be an additional benefit.
Demonstrated three-five years significant experience.
Comprehension of the specialized or proficient parts of the gig;
Arranging and authoritative abilities;

Critical thinking abilities;

Great correspondence (Oral and composed) and relational relations;
Innovativeness and advancement.
Up-and-comers that will be welcomed for the meeting will be
exposed to specialized evaluation.
Capacity to work with equipment apparatuses and power hardware.

Obligations :

Establishment investigations,
Diagnosing deficiencies,
Fix and support of building installations and fittings.
General pipes including washers, taps, unblocking latrines and stacks.

General carpentry, for example, hanging entryways, new locks, architraves, window outlines, collecting furniture,
supplanting handles and comparative equipment.
Moving of furniture and documenting racks.
General welding.
General tiling – floors and walls;
flooring work, for example, cover tiles.

General artistic creation and embellishing.
Minor electrical support; everyday consideration and upkeep of the nursery structures.
Consistently investigating garden designs and undertaking minor fixes or instructing Line Manager with respect to any have to supplant/reconstruct.

General nursery carpentry like collecting and
keeping up with furniture, supplanting handles and comparative equipment; promptly report issues/disappointments that might influence on the association and additionally its clients/clients to Line Manager.
Cleaning of drains; setting up racks and hanging of pictures


Mr E Louters
Tel No: (012) 764 3970


All applications should be sent to: The Branch: Human Resources,
Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 or delivered to: 149 Bosman Street, Pretoria.

FOR Consideration :

Ms. L Pale/Ms. V Maja, HR
Tel No: 012 764 3976/012 764 3912
Shutting DATE :
14 November 2022 (16:00 early afternoon)


Applications should be submitted on the recommended structure Z83 (NB. The new application for business structure can be downloaded at www.dpsa.gov.za-vacancies, the old recommended application for work structure Z83 was removed with impact from 31 December 2020) and should be finished in full with page 2 appropriately marked (inability to do so will bring about your application not being thought of), and obvious sign of the reference number on the Z83.

The application should incorporate just finished and marked new Structure Z83, reachable from any Public Service Division or on the web at www.gov.za, and point by point Educational program Vitae.
Guaranteed duplicates of Personality Report, Senior Endorsement and the most noteworthy required capability as well as a driver’s permit where fundamental, might be presented by shortlisted possibility to HR on or
before the day of the meeting date.

It is the obligation of candidates possessing unfamiliar capabilities to submit assessed results by the South
African Capabilities Authority (SAQA).
The Public authority Printing Works maintains whatever authority is needed to fill or not fill its promoted posts.

General data:
Shortlisted up-and-comers should be accessible for interviews, which may be virtual at a date not entirely set in stone by the Public authority Printing Works.
Candidates applying for SMS presents are expected on effectively complete the Authentication for section into the SMS and all relevant information can be obtained by following the connection:
https://www.thensg.gov.za/trainingcourse/sms-pre-passage program/.

Candidates are supposed to pay for the course and may select for it at an expense of R265.00.
The length of the course is 120 hours. Shortlisted possibility for
SMS presents will be oppressed on a specialized activity, which may be virtual that expects to test significant specialized components of the positions by the Public authority Printing Works.

Following the meeting and the specialized activity, the
Determination board will prescribe possibility to go to a conventional management capability evaluation (in consistence with the DPSA Mandate on the Execution of Skill based evaluations).

The capability evaluation will test nonexclusive managerial abilities, utilizing the commanded DPSA SMS skill appraisal instruments.
Work force reasonableness checks will likewise be controlled as a piece of the determination interaction.
Effective up-and-comers will be expected to enter in a business agreement and execution understanding (as significant), and should get a positive exceptional status.

Applications got after the end date as well as the individuals who do not conform to the prerequisites won’t be thought about. On the off chance that you have not gotten a reaction from this establishment in something like three months of the end date, if it’s not too much trouble, consider your application fruitless.


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